Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Download Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Full Movie | Watch Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Movie Dvd Quality

Genres: Documentary
Actors: Andrew Fastow , Peter Elkind , Max Eberts , Joseph Dunn , Reggie Dees II , Gray Davis , Peter Coyote , Carol Coale , Bill Clinton , Dick Cheney , Jim Chanos , George W. Bush , Barbara Boxer , Tim Belden , John Beard
Director: Alex Gibney
Country: United States
Year: 2005
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10 (4014 votes)

Enron dives from the seventh largest US company to bankruptcy in less than a year in this tale told chronologically. The emphasis is on human drama, from suicide to 20,000 people sacked: the personalities of Ken Lay (with Falwellesque rectitude), Jeff Skilling (he of big ideas), Lou Pai (gone with $250 M), and Andy Fastow (the dark prince) dominate. Along the way, we watch Enron game California's deregulated electricity market, get a free pass from Arthur Andersen (which okays the dubious mark-to-market accounting), use greed to manipulate banks and brokerages (Merrill Lynch fires the analyst who questions Enron's rise), and hear from both Presidents Bush what great guys these are.

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