Guna is a village labourer in the hinterlands of Maharashtra. Holding a passion for the 'tamasha' theatre shows, he decides to start his own troupe. Instead of the prestigious role of the king he always dreamed of, he ends up having to play a 'nachya', an effeminate, homosexual man. He goes ahead with the decision, which forever changes him and his family, as he ends up torn between his artistic passion and his societal prestige. Written by Anonymous The struggle of a creative mind that dares to think different. A young artist Gunavantrao Kagalkar or "Guna" decides to go beyond his family, his friends, the society and above all his own imagination to achieve a dream unthinkable. A story set in the 1970s in a small village of a Maharashtra in India, digs into the deep-rooted gender politics revealed through incidents in an artist's life. Guna, a poor village laborer, nurtures an obsession for Tamasha - a popular theatrical folk art form of Maharashtra. It is his dream to play the king once in his life. Unforeseen circumstances land him in situation where he sets up a theater company. But its survival now depends on inclusion of Nachya, (A man who performs a woman's role in theater) a mandatory in the Tamasha. The strongly-built Guna takes up the challenge of doing the role due to his passion for the art. A decision that puts his life in turmoil inside out. He is deserted by his wife, teased for performing feminine roles, abused and declared a eunuch and gay by the society that fails to understand the creativity involved in the art form.
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