Saturday, October 13, 2012

Download The Kremlin Letter Full Movie | The Kremlin Letter Ipod

Genres: Thriller
Actors: Bibi Andersson , Richard Boone , Nigel Green , Dean Jagger , Lila Kedrova , Micheál MacLiammóir , Patrick O'Neal , Barbara Parkins , Ronald Radd , George Sanders , Raf Vallone , Max von Sydow , Orson Welles , Sandor Elès , Niall MacGinnis
Director: John Huston
Country: United States
Year: 1970
IMDB Rating: 6.3/10 (750 votes)

A network of older spies from the West recruits a young intelligence officer with a photographic memory to accompany them on a mission inside Russia. They must recover a letter written by the CIA that promises American assistance to Russia if China gets the atomic bomb.

Download The Kremlin Letter full movie


The Kremlin Letter Ipod


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